Feed More, Waste Less

Manna Food Center’s Community Food Rescue (CFR) and the DC Food Recovery Working Group (DCFRWG) combined forces with the Montgomery County Food Council and Prince George’s County Food Equity Council to co-host this year’s DMV Food Recovery Week. The global pandemic has revealed how much we need a more resilient food system – one that sustains the earth and provides sufficient, nutritious food for all who need it. The week’s engaging and enlightening free in-person and virtual events aimed to help individuals and our community become more resilient. Check out the event videos below to learn easy things you can do at home – and ways to support community efforts – to reduce food waste and increase food security for all.

ICYMI: See what happened last year during Food Recovery Week 2021!

Tour Koiner Farm, a Closed-Loop Micro-food System 

Visitors toured Koiner Farm to see how they are supporting a closed-loop micro-food system, hearing first hand from Koiner Farm’s farm managers about composting capacity, community impact and the repeatability of their model. There was also a meet-n-greet with representatives from the Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection, the Montgomery County Food Council, Community Food Rescue, and others who are working to make our local food system more sustainable and resilient.

Presented by: Koiner Farm, Charles Koiner Conservancy for Urban Farming, Montgomery County Food Council, Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection, and Manna’s Community Food Rescue.


Minimizing Food Waste at Home 

Learn how to reduce food waste in your home by properly storing, saving and freezing your food, getting creative with leftovers, and preparing recipes with minimal food waste. Get inspired to make a measurable difference by signing up for a seriously fun 4-week take home challenge!

Presented by: Capital Area Food Bank, Recycle Leaders


Food Waste 101: A Roadmap to Achieving 50% Reduction by 2030

Ever wonder who generates the most food waste, why food waste is a problem for climate, and what are the most effective ways to reduce it? ReFED, a nationally-respected consortium of food waste experts, recommends 40 evidence-based ways to combat food waste. Learn the most impactful activities that households, restaurants, businesses, and farms can do to prevent, recover and recycle food waste to achieve the US and international goals to reduce food waste 50% by 2030. This session also sets the table for DMV Food Recovery Week’s events that dive deeper into local implementation of ReFED recommendations.

Presented by: ReFED, Montgomery County Food Council, Environmental Law Institute


Intro to Composting at Home: Hot & Worm Composting 

Learn how to home compost and make your own “black gold” for your yard or garden! This workshop will cover the basics of hot composting outside as well as worm composting (suitable for small patios and apartments). Composting cuts pollution from trash, landfills, and incinerators while storing carbon in soils and enhancing soil health. Learn the key ingredients for success by taking this online workshop.

Presented by: Institute for Local Self-Reliance


Making the Most of Food: Regrow, Reduce, Recycle

Watch this video to learn what to do with your leftover produce scraps. Instead of throwing them away, we will teach you how to use these kitchen scraps to regrow your produce in your kitchen, patio, or window. We also provide tips on maximizing your food, making the most of your produce, reducing food waste in your home, and invite you to a challenge to take action against food waste.

Presented by: University of Maryland Extension, Recycle Leaders, Prince George’s County Food Equity Council


Food Waste Policy: Pitfalls & Progress

Watch this panel discussion about the local food waste policy landscape. Representatives from across the DMV share their most impactful policies and frustrating roadblocks. Learn about innovative policies and how to advocate for the upcoming Farm Bill to expand national and local food waste programs.

Presented by: Institute for Public Health Innovation, DC Food Policy Council, Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection, Prince George’s County Department of the Environment, Prince George’s County Food Equity Council, City of Alexandria, and NRDC.


Taller del compostaje casero (Learn How to Home Compost) in Spanish 

¡Aprende a hacer compostaje en casa! Aprenda cómo hacer compostaje en su propio patio trasero y así poner su granito de tierra fértil para salvar el mundo. (English: Learn how to home compost! Learn how to compost in your own backyard and create fertile soil to save the world.)

Presentado por: Institute for Local Self Reliance, Regenerative Solutions


Launching Food Waste Action Movement In Public Schools

Students take you on their journey to create a waste-conscious public school system and advocate for new food waste legislation. Three years ago, students in Montgomery County Public Schools started the first efforts to compost food waste in Maryland. We  share our progress and offer how stewards in other jurisdictions can launch a 3-pronged movement to tangibly reduce waste, educate students, families, and decision makers, and directly influence legislation.

Presented by: Maryland Coalition to Re-Imagine School Waste, Rise N Shine, and Manna’s Community Food Rescue, with Montgomery County Public Schools


No Waste, Big Taste Cooking & Cocktail Competition

Marriott chefs from DC, MD & VA faced off in a “chopped-style” food and drink competition in the newly opened Marriott International test kitchen, using a mystery basket of recovered food and ugly produce. While the chefs and mixologists whipped up their creations, audience members learned about Manna Food Center, food waste prevention and food recovery efforts. 

And the winners were: Mixologist Alfredo Espinoza, Marriott Bethesda Downtown with Heather Bruskin, Montgomery County Food Council and Chef Phil Skerman, The Ritz Carlton Pentagon City with Dr. Truphena Choti, AfriThrive Inc.

Presented by: Manna’s Community Food Rescue and Marriott International. Sous-chefs and mixology assistants from  AfriThrive Inc., Guru Nanak Foundation of America, Tacombi Foundation, and the Montgomery Co. Food Council. Judges: Montgomery Co. Councilmember Andrew Friedson, and representatives from The UpCounty Hub, Montgomery Co. Dept. of Health and Human Services, and Sandy Spring Gardens. 


H Street Food Waste Innovation Tour

Participants toured Food Waste Innovation Grantees on H Street — Pursuit Wine Bar, Sticky Fingers Diner, Granville Moore’s, and Pie Shop — to learn about their innovative projects funded by DC’s Department of Small & Local Business Development.  

Presented by: H Street Main Street, DC Department of Small and Local Business Development


About Food Waste Prevention Week in the DMV’s Co-Hosts

Community Food Rescue, a program of Manna Food Center, is the coordinated food recovery network of Montgomery County, Maryland. This program partners with businesses, individuals, and organizations to recover and redistribute perfectly good food to people experiencing hunger.

The DC Food Recovery Working Group comprises a variety of partners from food banks, non-profits, and for-profits working on food recovery, DC government agencies, local environmental and sustainability organizations, and food recovery advocates. The Working Group promotes food recovery programs, organizations, and resources, and develops new food recovery partnerships, programs, and resources for greater DC.

The Montgomery County Food Council serves as the primary connection point for businesses, nonprofits, government agencies, and residents around food system issues in our County. The Council brings together over 2,000 local and regional partners in community-wide education, advocacy, and capacity building initiatives in support of an equitable and resilient food system that is healthy for our community, economy, and environment.  

#FWPW #foodwastepreventionweek

