Monday, April 7, 2025
6:00 pm
What happened when K-12 educators, high school students, and life-long learners tried to tackle household food waste and plant-rich diets together?
Hear directly from them what we learned! Learn more at https://www.recycleleaders.com/make-the-most-of-food.
CLICK HERE to register for this informative webinar.
Teams of households participated in the “Make the Most of Food Challenge,” our off-the-shelf climate action project for students. According to Project Drawdown, participants in the challenge reliably reduced discarded food by about 50%, saving money, eating better, and contributing to the #1 solution to climate change
But what if we want to add other worthy goals, like contributing to the #2 solution, “plant-rich diets”? In February 2025, Recycle Leaders and the Maryland Institute for Entrepreneurs and Business Consultants recruited a team of K-12 educators, high school students, and lifelong learners to help us test a new datasheet in our first-ever pilot that attempts to tackle these two challenges together!
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