What happened when k12 educators, high school students, and life-long learners tried to tackle household food waste and plant-rich diets together, together?


Monday, April 7, 2025
6:00 pm

What happened when K-12 educators, high school students, and life-long learners tried to tackle household food waste and plant-rich diets together?

Hear directly from them what we learned! Learn more at https://www.recycleleaders.com/make-the-most-of-food.


CLICK HERE to register for this informative webinar.


Teams of households participated in the “Make the Most of Food Challenge,” our off-the-shelf climate action project for students.  According to Project Drawdown, participants in the challenge reliably reduced discarded food by about 50%, saving money, eating better, and contributing to the #1 solution to climate change

But what if we want to add other worthy goals, like contributing to the #2 solution, “plant-rich diets”? In February 2025, Recycle Leaders and the Maryland Institute for Entrepreneurs and Business Consultants recruited a team of K-12 educators, high school students, and lifelong learners to help us test a new datasheet in our first-ever pilot that attempts to tackle these two challenges together! 

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About Food Waste Prevention Week in the DMV’s Co-Hosts

Community Food Rescue, a program of Manna Food Center, is the coordinated food recovery network of Montgomery County, Maryland. This program partners with businesses, individuals, and organizations to recover and redistribute perfectly good food to people experiencing hunger.

The DC Food Recovery Working Group comprises a variety of partners from food banks, non-profits, and for-profits working on food recovery, DC government agencies, local environmental and sustainability organizations, and food recovery advocates. The Working Group promotes food recovery programs, organizations, and resources, and develops new food recovery partnerships, programs, and resources for greater DC.

The Montgomery County Food Council serves as the primary connection point for businesses, nonprofits, government agencies, and residents around food system issues in our County. The Council brings together over 2,000 local and regional partners in community-wide education, advocacy, and capacity building initiatives in support of an equitable and resilient food system that is healthy for our community, economy, and environment.  

Food Rescue US – DC is the local arm of Food Rescue US, a national nonprofit dedicated to reducing food waste and alleviating the burden of food insecurity. Operating across the District, northern Virginia, and nearby parts of Maryland, FRUS – DC rescues over 40,000 pounds of food every week by organizing volunteers on its proprietary app to deliver to local social service agencies.

#FWPW #foodwastepreventionweek

