Feed More, Waste Less

Manna Food Center’s Community Food Rescue (CFR) and the DC Food Recovery Working Group (DCFRWG) combined forces this year to co-host DMV Food Recovery Week. The global pandemic has revealed how much we need a more resilient food system – one that sustains the earth and provides sufficient, nutritious food for all who need it. The week’s engaging and enlightening free (and mostly virtual) events aimed to help individuals and our community become more resilient. Check out the event videos to learn easy things you can do at home – and ways to support community efforts – to reduce food waste and increase food security for all.

Watch videos from DMV Food Recovery Week: October 12-17, 2020!

How the DMV is Rescuing Food – A Conversation with Local Food Recovery Organizations

Listen to panelists share how their food recovery programs work, how they’ve responded to the COVID-19 pandemic, and how you can get involved.

From Leftovers to New Meals – Improvisational Cooking Office Hours

Do you get overwhelmed when confronting a weird mix of veggies in your fridge? Do you wonder how to creatively mix your leftovers to reduce waste? Watch this video of Improvisational Cooking Office Hours with Caroline Howe and come up with some fun and easy ways to combine food scraps in delicious and easy meals.

Alternative Edibles from the Garden

The majority of what we grow in our gardens is edible yet we only eat a small part of each plant. Do you want to learn what flowers are delicious in a salad? What stalks make a great hummus or pesto? What seeds are good pickled? Which weeds are more nutritious than your crops? Watch this video to learn to maximize your garden harvests or supermarket produce by using the parts of your plants you didn’t realize are not only edible but delicious. 

Raising Little Food Waste Warriors

It’s a source of frustration and guilt for many parents when their kids waste food. But there are easy ways to get your kids to be less wasteful and turn them into scrappy food waste warriors in the process! Watch Claudia Fabiano, a DC Food Recovery Working Group board member, and Amanda Stone of the World Wildlife Fund lead an interactive discussion and demonstration on tips, tricks, and recipes to use with your own family.

DPR Community Compost Cooperative Training

DC Parks and Rec (DPR) has an extensive community compost cooperative network that allows over 1000 trained residents to compost food scraps, mixed with garden waste, in critter- and smell-proof compost bins across the District. This webinar with DPR’s Josh Singer is an online version of the 1-hour training needed to join any of the 56 compost cooperative sites in DC. The training will also be useful to anyone who wants to start composting in their backyards.

Nose to Tail and Leaf to Root: A Cooking Class with Chef Mike Rehm

Watch Montgomery County Executive Chef Mike Rehm lead a virtual cooking demonstration. For the past 25 years, Chef Rehm has utilized the vast resources that the county provides, while also composting, reducing food waste, and gardening at work and home. In this video, he’ll show you how to prepare seasonal dishes that maximize taste and minimize waste.

Red Wiggler Community Farm Tour

DMV Food Recovery Week ended with in-person tour of Red Wiggler Community Farm, a sustainable farm where people with and without developmental disabilities come together to work, learn, and grow healthy food. Check out this video story by WDVM!

Organizations tackle food insecurity with DMV Food Recovery Week

DMV Food Recovery Week was Brought to You by:

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To view our press release, click here.

About Food Waste Prevention Week in the DMV’s Co-Hosts

Community Food Rescue, a program of Manna Food Center, is the coordinated food recovery network of Montgomery County, Maryland. This program partners with businesses, individuals, and organizations to recover and redistribute perfectly good food to people experiencing hunger.

The DC Food Recovery Working Group comprises a variety of partners from food banks, non-profits, and for-profits working on food recovery, DC government agencies, local environmental and sustainability organizations, and food recovery advocates. The Working Group promotes food recovery programs, organizations, and resources, and develops new food recovery partnerships, programs, and resources for greater DC.

The Montgomery County Food Council serves as the primary connection point for businesses, nonprofits, government agencies, and residents around food system issues in our County. The Council brings together over 2,000 local and regional partners in community-wide education, advocacy, and capacity building initiatives in support of an equitable and resilient food system that is healthy for our community, economy, and environment.  

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